
The Bank Council determines the bank's strategic direction. The Executive Board handles operational management. Bank Cler is also part of the Group.

Bank Council

The Bank Council serves as the senior management body for Basler Kantonalbank and oversees the bank’s management team. It defines BKB’s strategy and organisation. It delegates management of current business to the Executive Board.

Adrian Bult

Chairman of the Bank Council

  • Member of the Remuneration & Nomination Committee
  • Lic. oec. University of St. Gallen; economist, professional member of the Board of Directors
  • Swiss citizen, born 19 January 1959
  • On the Bank Council since 1 April 2017


  • Strategic leadership in a number of sectors/companies in the public sector
  • Banking
  • Personnel management, including remuneration
  • Information technology (IT)
  • Regulatory management

Other activities and interests

  • Chairman of the Board of Directors, Garaio Rem AG, Bern
  • Member of the Board of Directors,, Basel
  • Member of the Board of Directorss, Parsumo Capital AG, Zurich
  • Member of the Board of Directors, SWICA, Winterthur
  • Member of the Board of Directors, Alfred Müller AG, Baar
  • Chairman of the Board of Directors, AdNovum, Zurich
  • Chairman of the Board of Directors, Swissgrid AG, Laufenburg

Professional experience (highlights)

2007–2012  Chief Operating Officer, Member of the Executive Board, Avaloq Evolution AG, Zurich
2006–2007 Chief Executive Officer, Swisscom Mobile AG, Bern; Member of the Group Executive Board, Swisscom AG, Bern
2001–2006 Chief Executive Officer, Swisscom Fixnet AG, Bern; Member of the Group Executive Board, Swisscom AG, Bern
1998–2000 Chief Information Officer, Member of the Group Executive Board, Swisscom AG, Bern
1997–1998 Head of IT, Telekom PTT


Dr Christine Hehli Hidber

Vice-Chairwoman of the Bank Council

Dr. Christine Hehli Hidber

  • Member of the Audit Committee
  • Member of the Remuneration & Nomination Committee
  • Dr. iur.; Advocate
  • Swiss citizen, born 18 July 1968
  • On the Bank Council since 1 April 2017


  • Banking
  • Trading, lending and investment business
  • Finance, auditing, accounting
  • Personnel management, including remuneration
  • Legal & Compliance
  • Regulatory management
  • Outsourcing, data protection
  • Activity as a lawyer (advisory and forensic)

Other activities and interests

  • Vice President of the Stiftung Künstlerhaus Boswil, Boswil
  • Vice President of the Board of Directors, Hapimag AG, Steinhausen
  • Member of the Board of Directors, Hapimag AG, Steinhausen
  • Member of the Board of Directors, Basler & Hofmann AG (engineering, planning and consulting), Zurich
  • Member of the Advisory Board, Law School of the University of St. Gallen, St. Gallen

Professional experience (highlights)

Since 2022 Partner and Co-owner, Becker Gurini Partner, Lenzburg
2012–2021 Partner, Deputy Managing Director, Binder Rechtsanwälte, Lenzburg and Baden
2009–2011 Proprietor, Advokatur Hehli Hidber, Lenzburg
1998–2008 Various positions, UBS AG, Zurich and London
2002–2007 Head of Corporate Legal and Executive Director, Litigation Manager, UBS Investment Bank Switzerland, Zurich-Opfikon

Urs Berger

Member of the Bank Council

  • Chairman of the Remuneration & Nomination Committee
  • Professional Member of the Board of Directors
  • Swiss citizen, born 28 April 1951
  • On the Bank Council since 8 January 2014


  • Operational management in medium and large national companies
  • Strategic management of insurance companies and companies in other sectors (national and international)
  • Education and training
  • Startups and technological transformation (investor and sponsor)
  • Establishment and management of large Swiss foundations
  • Personnel management, including remuneration
  • Head of the Swiss Insurance Association
  • Business investments
  • Participative management
  • Regulatory management

Other activities and interests

  • Member of the Board of Directors, impulzity (PCP Impulse AG), Zurich
  • Member of the Board of Directors, SZ Consulting AG, Brig
  • Member of the Board of Directors, Ringier AG, Zurich
  • Member of the Board of Directors, Sensopro AG, Münsingen
  • Chairman, Foundation Compensation Fund for Asbestos Victims, Bern
  • Chairman, Swiss Entrepreneurs Foundation, Bern
  • Member of the Supervisory Board, Gothaer Versicherungsbank, Gothaer Finanzholding AG, Cologne
  • Member of the Board of Directors, vanBaerle AG, Münchenstein

Professional experience (highlights)

2003–2011 Chief Executive Officer, Gruppe Mobiliar, Bern
2000–2002 Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors, Bâloise Bank SoBa, Basel
1999–2002 Member of the Group Committee, Bâloise-Gruppe, Basel
1994–1998 Member of the Executive Board Switzerland, Basler Versicherungen, Basel

Mathis Büttiker

Member of the Bank Council

Mathis Büttiker

  • Member of the Remuneration & Nomination Commitee
  • Licensed Attorney IWEMBA
  • Swiss citizen, born 5 April 1969
  • On the Bank Council since 1 April 2021


  • Operational and strategic management of private banks
  • Trading and investment business
  • Wealth management and family office services
  • Personnel management, including remuneration
  • Foundations and philanthropy

Other activities and interests

  • President of the Foundation Board, Stiftung für cerebral Gelähmte
  • Member of the Board of Directors, Endress+HauserAG
  • Member of the Board of Directors, Endress Familien AG
  • Member of the Board of Directors, BTK21 AG
  • Member of the Board of Directors, BTK21 Web AG
  • Member of the Board of Directors, 3W AG
  • Member of the Foundation Board, Stiftung für das Kunstmuseum Basel
  • Member of the Foundation Board, A. Michael und Ursula La Roche Stiftung
  • Member of the Foundation Board, DCS Foundation
  • Member of the Foundation Board, Stiftung Dychrain
  • Member of the Foundation Board, Fondation Claude & Giuliana
  • Member of the Board, Verein Smiling Gecko 

Professional experience (highlights)

Since 2019 Managing Owner, BTK21 AG
Wealth Management, Managing Director, Bank Vontobel AG
2018 Member of the Executive Board / Head Investment Office Raiffeisen Group, Notenstein La Roche Privatbank AG
Member of the Executive Board / Head Investment Solutions, Notenstein La Roche Privatbank AG
Managing Director, Notenstein La Roche Privatbank AG
Member of the Executive Board, Partner, Bank La Roche & Co AG
2013 Member of the Executive Board, Partner with Unlimited Liability, La Roche & Co Banquiers
Member of the Executive Board, Partner with Limited Liability, La Roche & Co Banquiers
Deputy Director, La Roche & Co Banquiers
2004 Legal Consultant, La Roche & Co Banquiers
Member of the Executive Board, ITAG Internationale Treuhand AG
Deputy Director, ITAG Internationale Treuhand AG

Dr Jacqueline Henn

Member of the Bank Council

  • Member of the Risk Committeeemuneration & Nomination Committee
  • Dr. oec.; lecturer in the Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Basel

  • Dual citizen of Switzerland and Germany, born 12 August 1969

  • On the Bank Council since 1 April 2017


  • Financial market theory
  • Risk management and risk models
  • Sustainability
  • Compliance

Other activities and interests

  • Member of the Foundation Board of the Nest Sammelstiftung, Zurich
  • Member of the Investment Committee of the University of Basel, Basel
  • Member of the Investment Committee of the Nest Sammelstiftung, Zurich
  • Member of the Curriculum Committee, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Basel, Basel
  • Member of the Faculty Assembly, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Basel, Basel

Professional experience (highlights)

2015–2017 Member of the Board of Directors, Bank Cler Ltd, Basel
2004–2019 Academic Program Director of CAS Financial Markets, University of Basel, Basel
Since 2001 Lecturer in the Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Basel, Basel

Priscilla M. Leimgruber

Member of the Bank Council

  • Member of the Risk Committee
  • Executive MBA; Advocate
  • Swiss citizen, born 10 April 1970
  • On the Bank Council since 1 April 2017


  • Strategic management in banking
  • Strategic management in the energy industry including investment management
  • Sustainability
  • Risk management
  • IT

Other activities and interests

  • Member of the Board of Directors, Primeo Energie France, France
  • Member of the Board of Directors, aventron AG, Switzerland
  • Member of the Board of Directors, aventron Holding AG, Switzerland
  • Member of the Board of Directors, WOT Wärmeverbund Oberwil Therwil, Oberwil
  • Member of the Board of Directors, AEB Alternativ-Energie Birsfelden AG, Birsfelden
  • Co-Owner, Generalum GmbH, Zwingen
  • Member of the Board of Directors, Réseaux de chaleur urbains d’Alsace, France
  • Member of the Board of Directors, Réseaux de chaleur urbains de l’Est, France

Professional experience (highlights)

Since 2015 Head of Investment/Risk Management, EBM, Münchenstein
2009–2014 Managing Director, Head of Finance & Administration, International Capital Market Association, Zurich
2002–2009 Head of Finance & Logistics, Member of the Executive Board, Glarner Kantonalbank, Glarus
2001–2002 Consultant, Risk Management, Arthur Anderson AG / Ernst & Young AG, Zurich
1999–2001 Head of Credit Risk Controlling, Swiss Association of Raiffeisen Banks, St. Gallen

Domenico Scala

Member of the Bank Council

  • Chairman of the Risk Committee
  • Member of the Audit Committee
  • Economist, professional member of the Board of Directors
  • Dual citizen of Switzerland and Italy, born 3 May 1965
  • On the Bank Council since 1 April 2017


  • Strategic management of companies in different industries
  • Experience in the operational management of international companies
  • Finance, auditing, accounting
  • Risk management
  • Compliance

Other activities and interests

  • Chairman of the Board of Directors, Switzerland Innovation Park Basel Area, Allschwil
  • Chairman of the Board of Directors, Testaris AG, Basel
  • Chairman of the Board of Directors, Oettinger Davidoff AG, Basel
  • Chairman of the Board of Directors, Basilea Pharmaceutica AG, Basel
  • Chairman of the Board of Directors,, Basel
  • Chairman of the Board of Directors, BAKBASEL Economics AG, Basel

Professional experience (highlights)

2007–2011 Chief Executive Officer, Nobel Biocare AG, Zurich
2003–2007 Chief Financial Officer, Syngenta AG, Basel
Group Treasurer, Roche Holding AG, Basel
1998–2000 Head of Corporate Finance, Roche Holding AG, Basel

Karoline Sutter

Member of the Bank Council

  • Chairman of the Audit Committee
  • Lic. phil. I; Public Administration Management Consultant NPO
  • Swiss citizen, born 14 October 1973
  • On the Bank Council since 1 April 2013


  • Finance, auditing, accounting
  • Organisational development and leadership
  • Corporate governance

Other activities and interests

  • Mandate for the promotion of Schwarzbubenland region
  • Chair of the Business and Professional Women (BPW) Club Basel
  • Member of the Board of Directors, Wohnbaugenossenschaft Reussstrasse 34, Basel
  • Member of the Foundation Board, Werk der Gemeindeschwestern vom Roten Kreuz, Basel

Professional experience (highlights)

Since 2019 Owner of Karoline Sutter Beratung, Basel
Since 2009 Management Consultant and Auditor, Public Administration NPO, Vice-Director, BDO AG, Aarau
2003–2009 Municipal Administrator, municipality of Reigoldswil
2000–2003 Parliamentary Services Employee for the Cantonal Parliament and Constitutional Council for the Canton of Basel-Stadt, Basel

Prof. Kristyna Ters

Member of the Bank Council

Prof. Dr. Kristyna Ters

  • Member of the Risk Committee
  • Prof. Dr rer. pol., University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW, School of Business
  • Swiss citizen, born 29 October 1978
  • On the Bank Council since 1 April 2021


  • Trading activity at a bank
  • Financial market theory
  • Monetary theory and macroeconomics
  • Risk management and risk models
  • Sustainability
  • Compliance

Other activities and interests

  • Delegate of the Basellandschaftliche Pensionskasse BLPK
  • Research Fellow, University of Basel/WWZ

Professional experience (highlights)

Since 2020 Professor of Credit Risk and Finance, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW
Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Basel/WWZ
PhD Researcher, University of Basel/WWZ
BIS Research Fellow, Bank for International Settlements – BIS
Lecturer, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW
Research Advisor, Česká národní banka
Quantitative Analyst, Vescore Solutions AG
2006–2008 Senior Portfolio Manager & Analyst Fixed Income, Head of Trading Desk
Infidar Investment Advisory, Bank Julius Bär Group
2004–2006 Senior Fixed Income Analyst, UBS Wealth Management Research
2000–2004 Fixed Income Analyst, VZ VermögensZentrum

Executive Board

The Executive Board handles operational management alongside the day-to-day business of Basler Kantonalbank. It submits applications to the Bank Council concerning transactions and implements its decisions. Decisions are taken by the Executive Board on the basis of the majority principle, while the authority to issue directives lies with the CEO.

Dr Basil Heeb

CEO and Chair of the Group Committee 

  • Dr sc. techn. ETH
  • Swiss citizen, born 14.9.1964
  • Chief Executive Officer since 1.4.2019
  • Chair of the Group Committee since 1.4.2019
  • Chairman of the Board of Directors of Bank Cler since 25.6.2019

Professional experience (highlights)

2018 Chief Operating Officer, Member of the Executive Board, swissQuant Group AG, Zurich
2012–2017 Chief Financial Officer, Member of the Executive Board, Notenstein La Roche Privatbank, St. Gallen
2009–2012 Head of Basel Branch, Member of the Executive Board, Wegelin & Co. Privatbanquiers, Basel
2008–2009 Chief Executive Officer, Société Privée du Rhone, Geneva
2005–2008 Partner, McKinsey & Co., Zurich

Regula Berger

Deputy CEO and Deputy Chair of the Group Committee, Head of Sales Commercial Clients department

  • MLaw, LLM, Master of Advanced Studies in Banking, University of Bern
  • Swiss citizen, born 28.8.1982
  • Deputy CEO and Deputy Chair of the Group Committee since 5.12.2023
  • Member of the Executive Board since 1.10.2018
  • Member of the Group Committee since 1.9.2019
  • Member of the Board of Directors of Bank Cler since 25.6.2019

Professional experience (highlights)

Head of Legal & Compliance department, Basler Kantonalbank, Basel
2007–2018  Head of team for Legal Consulting Trade, Zürcher Kantonalbank, Zurich (from 2014 member of the Senior Management)  
2006–2007 Assistant at the Swiss Takeover Commission, Zurich
2004–2007 Assistant at the Institute of Legal History of the University of Bern, Bern

Christoph Auchli

Head of Finance & Risk department

  • Swiss Federal Diploma Expert in accounting and controlling; Business economist HF
  • Swiss citizen, born on 2.1.1971
  • Member of the Executive Board since 22.10.2018
  • Member of the Group Committee since 1.3.2019
  • Vice-­Chairman of the Board of Directors of Bank Cler since 25.6.2019

Professional experience

2017-2018  Head of Overall Bank Management, Deputy CFO, Basler Kantonalbank, Basel
2016 Appointed Deputy CFO, Basler Kantonalbank, Basel
2015 Head of Competence Center Finance/ CFO (a.i.), Basler Kantonalbank, Basel
2012–2017 Head of Accounting, Group Basler Kantonalbank, Basel
2008–2011 Head of Accounting, Basler Kantonalbank, Basel
2006–2008 Specialist Officer in Accounting/ Controlling, Basler Kantonalbank, Basel
2005–2006 Head of Financial Accounting & Taxes, WIR Bank, Basel

Özlem Civelek

Head of Service Center department

  • Master of Science in Economics, Business Administration & Politicial Science
  • Swiss/Turkish citizen
  • Member of the Executive Board since 17.10.2022
  • Member of the Group Committee since 17.10.2022

Professional experience (highlights)

2020–2022 Chief Operations Officer, Member of the Executive Board, Swisscard, Horgen
2015–2020 Chief Risk Officer, Member of the Executive Board, Swisscard, Horgen
2010–2015 Head of Process Engineering, Swisscard, Horgen
2009–2010 Head of Fraud and Chargeback, Swisscard, Horgen

Raphael Helbling

Head of Legal & Compliance department

  • Attorney
  • Swiss citizen, born 22 June 1972
  • Member of the Executive Board since 1 January 2022
  • Member of the Group Committee since 1 January 2022

Professional experience (highlights)

2017–2021  Member of the Executive Board, swiss branch, Goldman Sachs, Zurich
2010–2015 Head Legal & Compliance Switzerland & Luxemburg, Barclays
2005–2010 Head Compliance Equities, IBD and Research, UBS Switzerland
2005–2005 Member of legal staff in the legal department, Swiss Exchange, Zurich
2000 Attorney at law / Public Notary, St. Gallen
1997 Law degree (lic.iur.utr.) University of Fribourg, Fribourg

Markus Hipp

Head of Sales Private Clients department

  • Bachelor of Science in Business Economics from the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland
  • Swiss citizen, born 8 July 1977
  • Member of the Executive Board since 1.3.2024
  • Member of the Group Committee since 1.3.2024

Professional experience (highlights)

Since March 2024 Head of Sales Private Clients department, member of the Executive Board and the Group Committee, Basler Kantonalbank
2020 – February 2024 Head of Private Clients, Basler Kantonalbank
2018 – 2020
Head of branches and deputy head of Private Clients, Basler Kantonalbank
2016 – 2018
Head of market area, Basler Kantonalbank
2015 – 2016
Head of location Klybeck and Kleinhüningen, Basler Kantonalbank
2013 – 2015
Head of location Klybeck, Basler Kantonalbank
2007 – 2013
Private Client advisor and deputy head of location Klybeck, Basler Kantonalbank